It is a novel ecclesiological theory. According to it, wherever baptism is administered in the name of the Holy Trinity, there also is the true Church, and includes the heterodox. It is obvious that through this theory, which has ecumenist overtones, the boundaries of the Catholic Church are extended, under the umbrella of which many Christians can find shelter, irrespective of their more general theology, I believe, and their particular ecclesiological physiognomy. Something analogous occurs with the notorious Branch Theory of the Protestants concerning the interpretation of the Church. According to it, and of course vaguely, this theory is correct. Indeed, the confession of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity of the Faith is essential both for the foundation of the Church and for the salvation of humanity. But which doctrine? Of course, the true one, as it is taught purely and intact in the bosom of the Orthodox Catholic Church of Christ. But is this also valid for heterodoxy? Surely not.
