Fifty-years since the ever-memorable Saint Justin (Popović) of Čelije (†1979), an outstanding dogmatic theologian, composed the superb text, reprinted below, in which he sets forth a correct confession of the Orthodox Faith. Unfortunately, the Orthodox ecumenists have ignored and disregarded it; not only have they not terminated their participation in the so-called World Council of Churches, except for the Bulgarian and Georgian Churches, but they have even strengthened it and doubled-down on their participation in the pan-heresy of ecumenism to the extent that they are abandoning the Orthodox faith entirely and are on the path to becoming Uniates. In its “Proclamation” on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the W.C.C., on August 16th, 1973, the Œcumenical Patriarchate [Demetrios I] stated at the time of his writing that, “the long-lasting ecumenical movement and the World Council of Churches, which has existed in the context of this movement for twenty-five years as an institutional expression and organized form thereof, constitute one of the ways which the Lord has chosen, in order to make better known among men the ‘new commandment’ of love and to make the injunction to promote reconciliation, peace, and concord more honored among His Churches.”
