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On December 23, 2023, Father Matthew Vulcanescu of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland invoked Canon 15 of the First-Second Council (861 A.D.) and lawfully ceased commemoration of his local Metropolitan and Patriarch for their bareheaded teaching and preaching of heresy. This news has obviously piqued interest in some as to what is occurring in the Patriarchate of Antioch which would cause such a response of their priest. Has the Antiochian Patriarchal Synod or the Patriarch himself done something recently that caused this reaction? Unfortunately, the reasons which Father Matthew has stated in his video posted to his personal Facebook account are not recent but are long-standing.
In this same heretical joint statement both the Orthodox and Monophysites recognize between themselves that they both preach the same gospel and the same faith, as what was taught by Christ, regardless of the doctrinal differences we share. The Monophysites reject what we believe as Orthodox Christians as defined by the Holy Fourth Ecumenical Council in Chalcedon. These pseudo-bishops write saying, “We urge our people to continue to deepen their consciousness in the deep commonality of faith and to relate to one another as brothers and sisters who share the same Gospel, the same faith and the same commission entrusted to them by their common Lord” [4]. This heretical document was signed by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchates of Antioch and Alexandria, as well as the Monophysite Armenians, Copts, and Syrian-Jacobites of Antioch. This however, was not the only agreement that exists.
As can be read here, Father Charles, admits that there is some type of limited communion but that there is not a “full communion.” Meaning, that they (the Monophysites) can in some way, on a limited basis receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the divine Mystagogy, again despite what the Fathers, Ecumenical Councils, and Holy Canons say concerning the matter. However, despite this “limited intercommunion” ecclesiology, Father Charles goes on to state that, “The Patriarchal Encyclical, nonetheless, presupposes a duality in the hierarchical system, and calls for, in addition to pastoral collaboration, an economic and limited intercommunion, not full communion” [22]. So not only does this heretical document, which was synodally approved by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch show that they recognize a “duality in the hierarchal system,” which would seem to be a parallel hierarchy, in the same jurisdiction as the Chalcedonian Orthodox Patriarchate, who does not confess the Chalcedonian Orthodox Faith but that we are allowed to communion them. There are many in the conservative modernist movement who will try to argue this innovative ecclesiological point of a “limited intercommunion” but will also say that if you have Christ in the Eucharist, what are you lacking?
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